Ready or not, AIR I come!

Sorry about the terrible play on words there (I’ve been taking too many literary cues from the Adelaide Advertiser 😉 but I am pretty excited about travelling to the UK next week and attending the London onAIR conference. Obviously it’s a long way to travel from Adelaide, Australia to the UK for a free conference – so I better get my money’s worth! hehe, no seriously I’m moving over there to play some cricket and try and spruce up my Flash portfolio (if there’s any Flash developer work going around Cambridge, I’d love to hear about it)

So if you’re an Aussie travelling across or already in London planning on attending the conference or for that matter anyone interested in making another acquaintance just leave me a comment. I shouldn’t be hard to miss… I’ll be the bloke with his life’s possessions on his back having come straight from Heathrow to attend the London Tour, and probably a Red Bull in each hand trying to shake off the 16,000 odd kilometres of drowsiness. So apologies in advance if I nod off during one of the presentations having found a nice comfy spot on your shoulder 😉

3 thoughts on “Ready or not, AIR I come!”

  1. The Advertiser is bad for your brain, the sooner you stop reading that ‘toilet rag’ the better!
    Its funny, i thought i was the only Flex/AIR developer in Adelaide for awhile, but now I know there are/were at least two of us. Pity there are zero jobs here for Flex devs.
    Good luck in the UK.

  2. Hey Jimmy,

    You still could be the only Flex/AIR developer in Adelaide – I haven’t really dipped my toes in yet, clients don’t really know about it and I’m still busy doing lots of HTML sites. I consider Flash my forte and is definitely what I’m passionate about, so it’s for this reason that I’m seeing what the grass is like on the other site. Word is they’ve got a bit more water in the UK, so here’s hoping for some greener grass as well 😉

    Out of curiosity, are you a freelancer or working for a company around town?

  3. I work for an Australian company, doing a combo of java, perl, javascript and more recently flex(I’m a big fan 🙂 I tinker with AIR in my spare time.


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